A New Framework For Helpers
Practicing Compassionate Badassery® is Caring for Self AND Caring for Others.

Compassionate Badassery
This is caring for self AND caring for others. It's a balance of individual-care and community-care. This happens when one makes intentional, courageous choices to care deeply for oneself and others. It looks like growth, curiosity, connection, possibility, well-being, vicarious resilience, and satisfaction.

Extreme Avoidance
May also be thought of as overwhelm and burnout. This is what happens when one is not caring for self and is disconnected from others. It looks like numbness, apathy, lack of engagement, withdrawal, hopelessness, despair, and exhaustion.

Rigid Individualism
May also be thought of as "selfishness" or rigid boundaries. This happens when one is caring for self without caring for others. It looks like judgement, fear, scarcity, distrust, lack of empathy and compassion, and a failure to consider the impact of systemic issues on the individual.

Compulsive Helping
May also be thought of as compassion fatigue, empathetic strain, or secondary traumatic stress. This is what happens when one cares for others, without caring for self. It looks like a lack of boundaries, hero-mode, over-identifying with clients, resentment, hypervigilance, exhaustion, and eventually loss of empathy.