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An important life lesson from my favorite carbohydrate

Are you missing the bagel?

If so, it’s not your fault.

The human brain has evolved to...

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Are you having an onion or a honey kind of day?

Whatever you’re going through, whatever your feeling, I know one thing is true: 


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Do I want to keep going? Making the choice to persevere

When I give webinars to animal shelters, I often ask: why do you continue to choose to do this...

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Are you expecting life to be a straight line up?

At the end of 2022 I went to my first in-person yoga class since the pandemic started. 


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How a license plate helped me through hard times this year

Twice this year I’ve found myself driving down the road behind the same random car,...

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The Lesson I Hope We Learned From COVID

March 2020 to March 2021 has felt like a month and a decade rolled into one, hasn’t it?


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Learning To Surf: Resiliency and Compassion Fatigue

This week the Diane Rehm Show aired a terrific program called The Science of Resilience...

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