Are you stressed out by all the requests you get?
No matter what you do for a living, if...
On January 1st, 2020 I logged off of social media for 30 days. I wrote about that here.
Practicing compassionate badassery is my shorthand for helping professionals who are making...
Happy New Year! I love how the start of a new calendar year creates a natural pause for...
Last month I was talking with a wonderful manager of a small, under-resourced animal shelter. She...
Two months ago, when I felt like I couldn’t do much of anything (because grief), I did what...
The past couple of months have been, er, challenging.
Short story: My two beloved cats died....
Lately I’ve been thinking about how multiple losses can complicate grief. And if they...
If your arm was broken how long would you wait before you got help?
1 second.
I would wait...
Have you ever done a HALT check?
HALT stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.
If you’re in...