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Are You an Asker or a Guesser?

Are you stressed out by all the requests you get?

No matter what you do for a living, if...

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My 30 Day Social Media Sabbatical

On January 1st, 2020 I logged off of social media for 30 days. I wrote about that here.


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The Compassionate Badassery Manifesto

Practicing compassionate badassery is my shorthand for helping professionals who are making...

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Iā€™m Taking a Social Media Break

Happy New Year! I love how the start of a new calendar year creates a natural pause for...

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That's When I Knew I Had Crossed the Line

Last month I was talking with a wonderful manager of a small, under-resourced animal shelter. She...

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OK, Letā€™s Do This (How I Beat Stress with an Etsy Poster)

Two months ago, when I felt like I couldn’t do much of anything (because grief), I did what...

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Go Home Youā€™re Drunk: What Insomnia + Compassion Fatigue Have in Common

The past couple of months have been, er, challenging.

Short story: My two beloved cats died....

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Grief at Work: What Does a Grief-Competent Workplace Look Like?

Lately I’ve been thinking about how multiple losses can complicate grief. And if they...

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Why I Waited 6 Months Before I Got Help for Depression

If your arm was broken how long would you wait before you got help?

1 second. 

I would wait...

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HALT! You Might Need a Snack

Have you ever done a HALT check?

HALT stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.

If you’re in...

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